Rubik's Cube (^_^)b
Hello again :'D
Yesterday I bought a "Rubik's Cube. It's really a nice time waster :3 And I managed to solve the two first layers on my own! With some help from Nathalie I can now solve it easily. And it's fun making patterns! XD Though I feel a bit nerdy when solving it fast and in public... xD Maha... I should practise on my beloved bass instead ;____; Guhuhu anyone wants to buy new strings for me? (A) I'll probably waste most of my money on bleaching products xD . . . That might be fun... more or less... XD

Yesterday I bought a "Rubik's Cube. It's really a nice time waster :3 And I managed to solve the two first layers on my own! With some help from Nathalie I can now solve it easily. And it's fun making patterns! XD Though I feel a bit nerdy when solving it fast and in public... xD Maha... I should practise on my beloved bass instead ;____; Guhuhu anyone wants to buy new strings for me? (A) I'll probably waste most of my money on bleaching products xD . . . That might be fun... more or less... XD
