I had some fun :'3 And I realized... If I want things my way, I have to do it myself.

Out of tea?
To make a nice introducktion here... I just realized that O is really ugly in the beginning of a sentence ._.
Now to the main problem here. I am out of tea! I mean seriously, how am I supposed to survive? I only have some random yogi like tea, but it doesn't even taste good! (;_;)b My strawberry tea is gone ;__; I just had a shelf FULL of different teas, but only the real Yogi and wannabe Yogi are left ;_; Where did all my money run?!
Oh yeah... I bought a petticoat and some beauty products ._. I really needed a petticoat. I have been dressing in gothic lolita since november -09 without one! Hello?? Thats like sooo not okay!! *blonde bimbo voice*
Now I finally have one that gives almost too much volume xD But the bad thing was: It't only suited the victorian dress I have. The more.. classic? styled dresses didn't get the right shape.. I need a more A-shaped one too.
Down is a pic of the beauty stuff I bought. shower gel, face cleansing and body scrub, and the really small thing is a perfume I got for free~ I also ordered a silver nail polish, but i didn't get it ._o Anyways, I hope the products are good ones. They contain only natural things and so on. The perfume smelled really good, but maybe a bit too woman like for me? I prefere using the sweeter ones like Avril Lavigne's "Black Star"... that one is really nice.. But I'm thinking of maybe using this womanish this easter, if i decide to go to göteborg to see Miizuki. Hopefully she'll like that. who knows.. Or maybe I should bring both? Such a dilemma... Does she prefere the sweeter scent or the mature?. Well, maybe I shouldn't worry about that just yet. I'm not even sure I'll go. I'm kind of ... nervous about seeing her again after all that happened.
(Don't mind the purple area. The wall is too ugly to show!)

Now to the main problem here. I am out of tea! I mean seriously, how am I supposed to survive? I only have some random yogi like tea, but it doesn't even taste good! (;_;)b My strawberry tea is gone ;__; I just had a shelf FULL of different teas, but only the real Yogi and wannabe Yogi are left ;_; Where did all my money run?!
Oh yeah... I bought a petticoat and some beauty products ._. I really needed a petticoat. I have been dressing in gothic lolita since november -09 without one! Hello?? Thats like sooo not okay!! *blonde bimbo voice*
Now I finally have one that gives almost too much volume xD But the bad thing was: It't only suited the victorian dress I have. The more.. classic? styled dresses didn't get the right shape.. I need a more A-shaped one too.
Down is a pic of the beauty stuff I bought. shower gel, face cleansing and body scrub, and the really small thing is a perfume I got for free~ I also ordered a silver nail polish, but i didn't get it ._o Anyways, I hope the products are good ones. They contain only natural things and so on. The perfume smelled really good, but maybe a bit too woman like for me? I prefere using the sweeter ones like Avril Lavigne's "Black Star"... that one is really nice.. But I'm thinking of maybe using this womanish this easter, if i decide to go to göteborg to see Miizuki. Hopefully she'll like that. who knows.. Or maybe I should bring both? Such a dilemma... Does she prefere the sweeter scent or the mature?. Well, maybe I shouldn't worry about that just yet. I'm not even sure I'll go. I'm kind of ... nervous about seeing her again after all that happened.
(Don't mind the purple area. The wall is too ugly to show!)

A Date with Nathalie~
So, we had no school this tuesday so Natta and I decided to have a little date :'3 First we went to Moshi Moshi to have som Sushi, but unfortunately the Sushi man didn't work ;___; Buhu we haven't seen him since new yers ;_; Well anyways, for some reason they made the sushi different this time.. I don't really like the wasabi that much so I usually leave it.. BUT! They also put wasabi over the rice! so I had to remove the fish things to get rid of the wasabi XO And a stupid man (Who I came to dislike a lot!) used my favorite matching pair of chop sticks! Seriously, there was not a single matching couple left, so I had to use one really long and one really short (=_=)b
After the sushi we went to GAME cuz Natta was going to buy two new games får PS2, and guess what!?! I found leisure suit Larry! (spelling?) XD I really want that game! So aweosome! But I can't buy it ;_; I have younger sisters, and that game is not really suitable for them... xD When we were done there wi simply got bored ._. xD So we decided to grab a "fika" (Yay swedish words!) and we ended upp at Skåre's! There we had a really good kake! It was really big too! MMmmhmmhmmh Yummy!

Also I asked Natta to look as feminine as she could. It ended upp like this.

No good! She looks as much like a man as ever! So let's make another try! This was a bit more successful! I think she has never looked this feminine since she cut her hair off XD But to be hones she didn't look too feminine before~ She's my man <3

There was also a little incident. A cute tulip decorated our table.. And Im not really good with flowers ;___; I tried to make it "look at" Natta, but all the leaves just fell off! (O_O)'' But we were good and tried to repare it! :'D Cuz I'm actually a good little lolita <3

After the sushi we went to GAME cuz Natta was going to buy two new games får PS2, and guess what!?! I found leisure suit Larry! (spelling?) XD I really want that game! So aweosome! But I can't buy it ;_; I have younger sisters, and that game is not really suitable for them... xD When we were done there wi simply got bored ._. xD So we decided to grab a "fika" (Yay swedish words!) and we ended upp at Skåre's! There we had a really good kake! It was really big too! MMmmhmmhmmh Yummy!

Also I asked Natta to look as feminine as she could. It ended upp like this.

No good! She looks as much like a man as ever! So let's make another try! This was a bit more successful! I think she has never looked this feminine since she cut her hair off XD But to be hones she didn't look too feminine before~ She's my man <3

There was also a little incident. A cute tulip decorated our table.. And Im not really good with flowers ;___; I tried to make it "look at" Natta, but all the leaves just fell off! (O_O)'' But we were good and tried to repare it! :'D Cuz I'm actually a good little lolita <3