
Hello again~
I have been to lazy to write anything lately.. (as usual). But actuallo something happened in my totally boring and lazy life. I went to göteborg with Natta and Lina. Now I have experienced the life of a finland-family-thingy called SAUNA! And we did it the right way! Some shower, some sauna, some shower, some sauna, some smoke pause, some sauna and so on. It was really nice, and Natta said it's good for the skin. HA HA I could need that!
That was only the first night. We spent 5 days there. Arrived saturday and went hone thursday~ Sunday was a complete chill day. We did nothing but taking walks or watching tv. Monday! Yay! We went downtown to meet with some friends of mine! Kassie and Louise :3 Relly cute girls. Taller than me and MUCH lighter voices. . . That was scary XD But we had an awesome time! We also had sushi (wich made Natta and I feel a bit ill later). Tuesday was also a day in town and on wednesday Lina and I left early to catch our train home. Natta stayed at her dad's place. During theese days I bought one rly nice skirt at SHOCK and volume 1 to 5 of Kuroshitsuji. I found a pair of shoes in which i fell in love with. Unfortunately I could not affod them ;_; *suicidal*
Right now I feel a bit screwed. I got sick just before the break and I have some really important stuff in my locker. That totally sucks for me. Now it's pretty sure I will fail that course. ;_;
And to make a great ending to this post I just need to tell everyone who happens to read this. I cleaned my room! The floor is visible and I even used the vacuum cleaner. I feel alone without my dustfriends under the bed... (:

Sick + An Cafe = Nyappy anyway!

I don't really know why I have a blog.. My life isn't very interesting anyways.. And I do not know why I still write here every now and then. Seems like it takes longer between every post. ._.
Much have happened since last. I don't even remember everything. But to start somewhere: I am sick. I have a nasty cold and it really seems to like me since it doesn't leave me alone! I get crazy when being cut off from society like this! And I'm going to Göteborg in two days. Lina and Natta (who are going with me) will get tired of me in no time! Just because I've been absolutely alone those days. Friday tomorrow (Huhu I feel like Rebecca Black when writing that! T_T) and I will stay home again.. Let's hope I get a little better at least. I don't wanna spend 3 hours on a train sneezing and almost choking! ;_; I think this was my seventh cup of tea... Everything to get better until saturday! ^_^
What else.. Hmm.. I just spent 3 hours in front of the TV watching an An Cafe live dvd. Nothing can possibly put me in a better mood! Just watching the way Kanon plays manes my heart go crazy! And my whole body trembles from happiness. I wish I could become as good as him! I guess I started about 6 years too late for that. But at least I'm gonna take classes now. Mum can finally afford it and after an argument with her I convinced her that the only fair thing is for her to pay. She paid much more than that for my sibblings' activities. I'm lucky :') Today I really got inspired! I want to learn! I should start looking for band members right away so that I can become even better! Right now I'm so happy I cant stop imagining me standing on a stage with Miyako in my hands, playing with her like crazy! And Lina on a VIP seat. Nothing could ever compare to that. Oh such thoughts make me nothing but happy. It's just sad I can not really play... ;_; xD I'll have to do something about that tiny obstracle! *angelface* what about starting with studying some music theory? I want to be able to look back and think "Why did I hesitate? I made it! That means everyone can fullfill their dreams, because such a nobody as me could."

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