Shopping = Happiness!!
First of all! I got so much money this christmas! Much more than usual! All together it reached 2300kr! (Divide by 10 to get it in € to make it more understandable~) And I already had 7300kr to buy a computer! So now I've done that! That's like AWESOME!
And THEN I happened to stumble over a BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT dress for only 800kr! They usually cost between 1500 even up to 8000!!! One of my biggest dreams is to have a BTSSB dress, and here I have a beautiful and cheap one! He who sold it to me only wore it three times so it's like brand new. He bought it for 3500!!!
And also, Ill buy a blouse from FanplusFriend. It has the cutest cape ever! Seond hand is really good :'D I'll get it for only 250kr :') Ureshii!!!
Also I consider buying a pair of winter shoes. The white ones. But the shipping will be pretty expensive.. 600 plus shipping will be 750.. And that's pretty much for a pair of shoes ;_;
Well, I have the pictures here, so tell me what u think. Buy the shoes or not? Is the BTSSB cute? what about the blouse? Oho I'm confused ;_;
Anyways. My christmas eve was spent in Ronneby at grandad's place together with mum's family. But unfortunately one of y aunt's husband got sick so they couldn't join our celabrations :/ But we managed to have fun anyways, starting with watching a classic Winnie the Poh movie from when I was a child. I love it, and I asked Grandad to make a copy for me xD
So this is where all cousins except Emelia, who was sleeping, watched the movie. It was soooo nostalgic and I suddenly felt very happy. And I'm usually not... So I'm happy I decided to go there with everyone else.
After that it was time for food. And I am proud to say I still remember how to fold those small boxes 8D
We had loads of food, but nothing really suits my taste, exept for that pink slimey salamon thing XD But I had to eat shit like meat balls and such.. But the the beer was good! :D My brother came home from afghanistan just two days before, and he gave me one of his :'3 Heiniken or however it's spelled x) really tasty :'3
Of course we didn't miss the greatest event of the year! Santa came! Or at least that's what my two youngest cousins believed :'3 Kim and Emelina. Kim is a few years old and Emelina is like.. Maybe two or soon to be three or something XD She's so cute, and I almost lost some of my dislikes towars children when seeing her xD And she was afraid of Santa xD Even though it was just gandad x) So cute! But it's like impossible to take a pic of her XD She is NEVER still! XD But I actually managed to get one :') But I'm not gonna upload it here x)
Above is a picture of one of my sisters. She's trying to look like santa.. I think xD Yes, I too hate her glasses.. But she's a spoiled brat and likes that totally ugly style xD ohoho I'm so mean to her :'3
I was good enough to take a pic of myself and I got the best compliment for my clothes I could ever get! My uncle's girlfriend told me I looked like a porcelain doll! And thats like the whole concept behind goth loli fashin xD Or a big part of it at least :'3 So now I feel like I have actually managed to look the way I want 8D Almost x)
Here are my christmas presents XD I gave the big box to my sister... The chocolate really tastes like shit, and grandad gives them to us every year xD
Well I guess that was my christmas.. Hopefully I'll get some more stuff at dad's place later on ~
Dec 21
Today is Dec 21. That means the longes night of the year. I'm always unusually calm this night. I cant tell why. I simply like knowing it's a somewhat special night.. The fact that the moon is also full makes me feel even better. At least it looks like that.. But it's also supposed to be a lunar eclipse.. I want to see that. Facinating.. For some reason. Oh, I really look forward for bed time xD I want to sleep well tonight and prepare for tomorrows term ending~
It feels kind of unnessesary to travel 2 hours just to be there in a maximum of an hour... But what can I say.. I feel like I should go, I mean I don't have to go to the churchthing.. I don't like churches ;_;
As for today.. Lina and I went to McDonald's to party on her last money. We will probably have serious economical problems in the future...
"Hmm.. I still have some money left.."
"Yay! I don't ;_;"
"Let's spend mine."
"Sure, well get more in a few days in any case :'3"
We have to start saving or something.. But.. nah.. As I said.. I'll get more any day now XD then I'll buy a new underbust corset :D And if I can afford I'll probably buy a new blouse or two :'3 And Lyrical Sympathy and Noble.. And I want Matenrou Operas cd's but they are far too expensive since they have to import them ;__; But I think I might be able to get a hold on an An Cafe live dvd O.O Hmhmhm Kanon, my sexy man xD I'll marry him whether he's gay or not XD He probably is ._. Hopefully he likes goth loli style fashion ._. xD
Anyways, Ima boku wa heroes III wo shimasu to omoimasu~ Thats the correct way to say it, ne? or is there another word instead of suru?... I dont know (T_T')
Swedish winter, yay xD I take no cred for the picture. I'm not the fotographer~ :'3 Google is my friend. thats all. XD
week-end - as funny as it can be~
I really wated to go out tonight too, but as it seems, this will probably be just like any night home.. Too bad. Just cuz I felt like having fun and forget everything to live in the present only, no one else wanted to. ._.
So now I sit here in my room feeling alone. The only company I have is my chewing gum, but does that even count? Maybe not~
And Miizuki is not online, so I can't chat with her. Not that I really want that. Confusing.. One half of me wants to forget her completely while the other half can't let her go ._.
But I'll have to write something positive too, ne? It's only one week until x-mas :D Hopefully my parents wont give me a lot of crap again. I mean does it look like I want a Madonna cd? Not really. An Cafe or Girugämesh would be much better. And I would seriously die from a heart attack if I found something related to Matenrou Opera behind the wrapping paper . . Like Sono jumping out form the present, scratching his knee and tells me to come to japan with him xD That would indeed be something out of the ordinary xD Haha, I couldn't hate smiling now XD
Now I need to listen to his beautiful voice just bcuz of that XD
I want some hot chocolate too. Wish me good luck making some ;)
The teacher was an old retired man. A little hard on his hands but otherwise very pedagogic! :'D So now I ALMOST understand those zeros too! xD
X^2-10=0? Hate this crap xD But as long as I don't fail the course I guess I'm okay x)
Well, after that I went to Pax to have some tea, and when I got home I heard that a buss had crashed right outside the place where I live ._. It's scary to imagine onself in a crash.... I can't relax on my way home wintertime. It's so dark and the snow makes it no better ._. fufufufu Let's kill the climate! I need some tea! ;__; Did someone mention Sencha? :D
I guess I'll go make some :')
catch ya all later ;)
Today's song: XodiacK - Kimi ni furu zetsubou no ame
Well, anyways, so far this day has been really chill :D With music in the background a day can't get bad, ne? And it got even better when mum suddenly baked a bluberries pie cuz my aunt and her husband came 8D Though i prefer eating it alone... Mum said I hat to sit with everyone else or else I wouldn't get any. So unfair! Huhuhu my family is a real bitch to stand!
Enough complaining now~ I've also spent some time playing Heroes of Might and Magic III today, and I never get tired of it! Strategy games are so fun when the scenario is different every time! The only thing tiring is probably that i always choose Rampart or Tower as the firts town xD
Ima DELUHI wo kikimasu. I really love them with all my heart! I want them to get back to activities and end this stupid thing called hitaus ;_; I'll just have to wait, I guess (^_^)
Besides, the scarf thing I'm knitting is almost done! It was supposed to be Miizukis birthday present, but since she dumped me I'm considering not to give it to her. She still says she wants to give me my present. Gosh, am I ever gonna get over her? xD Let's hope so.. I'll simply have to rape the Kimono man (with the nicest ass ever) at the university xD Wish me good luck :D Now I'll have to continue studying and empty my huge cup of Sencha <3
I guess this will make me just one of all bloggers. I don't really think I have a too interesting life, but maybe someone finds it entertaining to read about anyways? Only time will tell i guess.
Anyways, right now I'm freezing to death... Why? Well maybe because this is sweden and its like -10 degrees.. Way too cold. I'm not suited for this climate!
A Loli girl like me would want summer all year long! Or maybe not, but I don't wanna spend 6 months freezing ever year! I've already done so for eighteen years now, so i think it should be enough soon x) I'll simply have to move to somewhere warmer... Hows the climate in Japan, anyone?